Sunday, March 24, 2013

Picture of the Day - WTF HOW DO I FIX THIS? YAR.

Apparently when you sleep on victory rolls, you get the perfect Farrah Fawcett curl. But only on one side. LOL

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Picture of the Day: Obligatory Post-Bath Snapshot

I look like a doofus, but I don't care. Rocking out to the Cranberries "Zombie".

Everyday Musings: A Little of This, a Little of That

I'm not too sure what to write today, so it's going to be a mish-mash of just about everything. Mostly complaints, but this is my everyday life, really. So a snapshot, if you will. I tried a random blog topic generator, and got the topic "eating out." Uhhh...too easy. :-P

I finally got a long soak in the tub today. Win.
Doing laundry and packing and cleaning. Win. But doing it all by myself. Not so win.
Pandora seems to have a great soundtrack for my day. Win.
I'm still too tired to do much - not so win.

I started the squat challenge that's been going around, but changed it to the plie' challenge. I'm gonna get back to dancing if it kills me.

Sorting stuff for the yard sale and moving and whatnot. Just ugh.

That's about my day. Since I was left with a song, I'll leave one for my Love.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


I sometimes feel I am neglecting my darling. I just get so wrapped up in the Hell that my own world has become, that I forget there is a sweet girl out there craving my attentions. I want so badly to wash away her doubt, but how can I when I feel so lost myself?

I don't know how else to say it, so I leave the words of Dan Brown to do it...

Lost in a world, that scares me to death,
Lost in a crowd, I'm losing my breath.
Lost as a boy, lost as a man,
I need to grow up, don't think I can.

Lost as a person, can't find my way.
Lost in life, every day.
Lost in worry, who am I?
All my life, I've lived a lie.

Lost to kindness, lost to love,
Lost in a sky, like a new-born dove.
Lost in thought, which I shouldn't do,
It winds me up, I can’t get through.

Lost to comfort, all kind words,
Lost to advice, it isn't heard.
Lost to those who really care,
All these people, always there.

Lost in me, I need a break,
Lost in wonder, which road to take?
Lost in a place I don't know well,
Where are you now? There's no one to tell.

Lost here, all alone,
Lost apart from the mobile phone.
Lost still, there are no calls.
I'm struggling alone, to break these walls.

Lost in mind, lost in soul,
Lost memories, they're just a hole.
Lost family, lost mate,
Gone now, yet I'm full of hate.

Lost in a straight world, and I am gay,
Lost now, for what to say,
Lost in boredom, think I'll leave.
There's a lot in life I need to achieve.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Picture of the Day: Intimacy

This picture calls to mind a variety of things, mostly comfort and freedom and the ability to feel at ease with one another. Something I am so very desperately craving tonight. So....picture of the day. Enjoy. -Squeaky

Freewrite: Rainy Night

Spring is a tease - she keeps flitting in and out of my life with ease, bringing me right back to the coldness of winter. Tonight, though, she keeps me company. The windows are open and a light rain sings against the rooftop, calling my name and making me want to wander to places I know I shouldn't be in my own head.

These are the perfect nights for snuggling up with the one you love, and I wish so desperately my Love were here to share it with me. These are the perfect nights for a long walk in the gentle mist, for long, wet kisses in the rain and a romp through the woods, muddy and perfect with Mother Nature.

But I'm here, alone. I'm cleaning and packing and trying to work out what I'm going to do without any help. I don't have anyone to cuddle up with - even the kiddo is gone to her Nana's. I'm here all alone and the thoughts inside my head are driving me insane. Now, more than ever, I need that love and those cuddles and to he held and told that everything is fine. That reassurance that I'm not just some disposable plaything. That reassurance that love really is there.

Because despite the wonderful weather and the beautiful night, where I am in my head, it ain't pretty. -Squeaky

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Picture of The Day: The Feels, I Has Them

I figured my Love could use a little cheering up, so here's a cat getting attacked by a bunch of plastic dinosaurs. Rawr.